About Hospital
Klaipėda Seamen‘s Hospital
This hospital is able to hospitalize 750 patients. Cardiovascular, abdominal surgery, gynecological and endoscopic gynecology, nephrology, hematological, cardiology, gastro-enterological, neurological, diagnostic and clinical immunology, physical medicine and rehabilitation, and cardiac arrhythmia departments are established in the hospital.
It is a health center of Western Lithuania. More than 180 doctors and 500 nurses provide specialized out-patient and in-patient health care, and also rehabilitation help.
About 19 000 patients from all over the Lithuania and foreign countries are hospitalized during a year. For more than 7000 patients are performed surgerin. And more than 600 of those surgeries are heart surgeries.
Klaipėda Seamen‘s Hospital is the only one hospital in Western Lithuania, where are performed the following surgeries: heart, aorta prosthetics, mitral valve or both valves prosthetics, formed aorta-coronary linkages, elimination of auricale diaphragm defects, implantation of heart stimulants and dephibrilators, widening of blood-vessels to the heart and vascular stenting, various intracardiac manipulations, prosthetic surgeries of abdominal aorta and its branches, neck and blood-vessels of limbs. Besides that, usual and complex hemodialyses, hemofiltration, hypoberical oxygen procedures are performed. Abdominal surgeons and gynecologists perform laporoscopic surgeries all 24 hours.
Specialized acute myocardical infarction and stroke treatment centers which apply the most modern help have been established in Klaipėda Seamen‘s Hospital. For those people who had infarction 24 hours a day there is provided emergency interventional help, the hospital using ambulance brings patients from surrounding areas‘ hospitals. There are always trying to provide the urgent modern help. In the process of diagnostics and treatment of hart diseases there are widely using tests of ultrasound, angiography and magnetical resonance. In the centre of strokes more than 45 percent patiens who had ischemic stroke get specialized treatment – thrombolysis and/or thrombectomy.
In 2001, following the requirements of International Marine conventions, Maritime Medicine Center, where seamen can check their health, was established. Also, there ship pilots and engineers, students from Klaipėda University Marine Institute and Lithuanian Maritime Institute are trained to provide medical help and care on ships.
Eleven doctors of medical science work in Klaipėda Seamen‘s hospital. The hospital has signed cooperation agreements with Lithuanian and foreign universities.
Paskutinį kartą atanujinta 2020-07-02 16:03:22